Every custody case needs a parenting plan. It outlines how the children will be cared for, and it becomes a court order once signed by a judge.
When you're writing a plan, it's critical you use airtight language that leaves no room for confusion. And you must be careful not to omit any information required by the court.
Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.
This is where Custody X Change comes in. The app takes guesswork out of the equation by walking you through each step of creating a comprehensive plan.
Even if you hire a lawyer or mediator to write your plan, Custody X Change saves you time and money. It allows you to walk into appointments with decisions made, cutting down on discussion time that racks up a bill.
Custody X Change is the easiest and most reliable way to make a parenting plan because it lets you:
Choose from over 140 common provisions in categories like "moving" and "child care," all in the legal wording you need. Just select the items you want to include in your plan and fill in the blanks. You can also create custom provisions to meet your family's unique needs.
When you select days and times on your visual calendar, the choices instantly appear in writing in your parenting plan. Now you don't have to figure out how to word a schedule so it addresses holidays, school breaks and one-time events in any year; Custody X Change does the work for you. You can also attach the visual calendar to your plan, which judges often appreciate.
Your plan can be edited both in the app and in a word processor like Microsoft Word. The flexibility is especially helpful when a judge has preferences on details like phrasing or spacing. Easy editing also proves invaluable when you need to present a desired modification to a plan.
To share your plan outside the app, print it or save it as a Word or PDF document. To share within the app, link your lawyer's Custody X Change account; this lets them directly edit your parenting plan, calendar, expenses and more, prompting an automatic notification.
With Custody X Change, you can create as many parenting plans as you need. You might make different plans for each child or ex, or you might save plans as drafts. Either way, switch between them with a simple click of a button.
Do you need a signature section? Do you want to count parenting time by the hour or by overnight visit? You can customize your parenting plan in countless ways to get a final product that meets your family's unique needs AND court standards.
Here's what some of our customers have said:
The judge adopted my plan that I came up with using custody exchange. . It was invaluable.
The parenting plan . helped me to be thorough. I was able to use it to provide the lawyer with an easy-to-read list of the things my future ex and I were able to agree on. It was an excellent head-start to be sure!
The billing cost from a lawyer to prepare the documents would exceed the cost of the program and would be inferior. Parents who want more time with their kids need this!! . It is a truly valuable tool!!
Visualize your schedule. Get a written parenting plan. Calculate your parenting time.